About our school
Fintry Primary School serves the surrounding rural district of Fintry and is located four miles from the rural town of Turriff. On leaving Fintry school all pupils transfer to Turriff Academy, which as 7 feeder primaries as part of the Turriff Community Schools network (CSN).
The current school building was built in 1964 but there has been a school in Fintry since 1831. The building consists of two classrooms, one of which is also the stage, a general-purpose hall, resource room, library area, servery, toilets, store and a cloakroom. There is also a community kitchen and a community store cupboard. An extension/alteration was made to the school in June 2005, which provided a new office, a storage area and a refurbished staff room. Built with a substantial contribution from the local community, the school hall is very much a shared facility and, is clearly an important facility for the Fintry community.